Search History Stories

Chuck’s challenge this week: Tell a story using search terms.

Sounds weird; is weird; is also tons of fun. I wrote one, then while thinking of something completely different, another one struck me. So here’s two for the price of one, and I might just return to this format.

Make your own honey
Amateur beekeeping
Increase beehive productivity
decrease beehive productivity
controlling beehive population
webMD how many bee stings are fatal
webMD buzzing in my sleep
webMD urge to eat sunflowers
how to attract a mate through dance

meteor shower viewing
identifying a meteorite fragment
webMD strange rash on hands
webMD rash on entire body
are meteorites radioactive?
visions of the future are they real
biggest lottery jackpot america
private islands for sale

5 thoughts on “Search History Stories

  1. I was a bit thrown with this one. So you just made them up? I took it very literally and used actual search history terms which wasn’t as awesome in my opinion. Great job! I loved both of them. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ooh, now I realised you’ve made them up, I might do it properly…
    Normally I can’t be stuffed doing the challenges, though, so we’ll see.
    (I much prefer to just focus in what limited writing time I have on the story I’m writing…)


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